Wednesday, July 20, 2011


Hey there,

Welcome to Needle in the Haystack. We are a small entourage of bloggers with big ideals. Our main goal is to try to uncover the truth in the most unbiased way possible, (as hard to find as a needle in a stack of hay). We want to change the world, and we know that the best way to do that is through education. Don’t get us wrong, we do not pretend to teach you anything, all we wish to do is make you think. To do this successfully we recommend the following steps;
  1. Suspend your judgment initially to try to absorb as much of what is being tried to be communicated
  2. Now that you have listened and put yourself in the other person’s shoes, now it is time to question – question everything
Here in Needle in the Haystack we are going to make you question, patriarchy, misogyny, political practices, the media, power of language, racism, sexism, ageism, human trafficking, etc… We will try to give you a new perspective that is probably not being explored in the main stream media in the hopes of you having another lens into which you can see an issue and hopefully inspire you to challenge the world as well.

Our goal is to cut the bull as much as possible. We hope you hop on this journey with us and try to find the needle.


Needle in the Haystack team.

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